A well-balanced, proportionate chin complements the other facial features and creates a pleasing and harmonious appearance. For patients with a recessed or weak chin, silicone chin implants can be used to provide a more sculpted, attractive profile and enhanced self-confidence.
What Is Chin Augmentation With Implants?
Chin implants allow Dr. Thompson to create a highly customized lower facial shape that improves harmony among the features and balances the profile. Silicone implants come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, allowing for finely honed customization and a high level of patient satisfaction. Dr. Thompson’s artistic eye for detail ensures your chin sculpting results appear natural and seamless.
Unlike dermal fillers, chin implants in Denver provide a long-lasting transformation that can boost your confidence and quality of life. Many patients choose to undergo chin augmentation in tandem with rhinoplasty, as this can provide improved proportion and a more attractive cumulative result. In some cases, a chin implant can be performed in combination with a neck lift to produce a more comprehensive anti-aging outcome.